I Watched Avengers In 3D, But I Didn’t Wanna. Makes the exact points my friends and I talked about. I paid $13 a person for myself and 8 of my friends to go with me. This included the price of the ticket and the glasses, which I sincerely wish they would refund upon surrendering them post movie. I would have been much happier.
I went to the 3d version once. I’ve been to the 2d version twice and find it much easier to follow and I don’t get blinding headaches nor do I become irritated at being forced to focus on the effects rather than the images I care about.
Avengers is an amazingly well though out and put together movie, entirely discounting the super hero aspect. But yes, the 3d was overkill. Plain and simple overkill.
Though I sincerely do not mind having Tom Hiddleston looking as though he is close enough to touch. Ah . . . the mind wanders . . .