I write Young and New Adult that goes beyond the coming of age trope. I focus on coming to terms with ones self. My characters are realistic, world-wise and at times jaded but never childish. They are mature but coming to grips with who they are.
I took a lot of inspiration from Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury and Orson Scott Card as well as my favorite movies such as Star Wars, Enemy Mine and Thor. I’m a huge geek and express my love of my many fandoms through my blog.
I’ve blog tagged you! For details, see my post here: http://tinyurl.com/czp8oph
If you don’t want to participate, no hurt feelings here! 😉
Oh and by the way, thank you for this about page. I know sooooooo much about you now lol. 😀
lol well I never know what to say about myself.
I don’t either! Bios of any kind are ALWAYS my downfall.